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When approaching an accident scene, you should:

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When approaching an accident scene, you should:

Traffic laws vary from country to country, and for us here in the USA, laws vary from state to state. According to traffic laws here in the USA, a driver commits a crime by failing to stop at the scene of an accident. 

hit and run accident, leaving the scene of an accident, car accident

what about if you are a driver that is approaching the scene of an accident? is it your legal obligation to stop at the scene of an accident you were not involved in? what if you are just a passenger?

Well, in this article, I will tell you all the things you need to do when approaching a car accident scene, ready? let’s dive in!

What should you do when approaching an accident scene?

You were not involved in the crash but you just arrived at the scene. what should you do? well, the important thing should be your safety first, and then the safety of all the parties involved in the accident.

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In my own opinion, below are all the things you can do when you approached or arrived at the scene of an accident.

1. Stop at the scene of an accident. You are not entitled to stay at the scene but you should consider stopping at the scene to offer your help.

If you witness an accident, there is a need to stop at the scene and wait for authorities to arrive and handle the situation. Your eyewitness statements can help authorities determine the cause and tell which driver is at fault.

2. Park at a distance. I recommend you pack at least 100 meters away from the scene to keep yourself and your car from danger. Parking some distance away helps in creating space for emergency services.

3. Turn on your 4-way flasher. You should endeavor to protect the scene of an accident by turning on your 4-way flasher.

4. Call 911. call emergency services if you think there are injuries involved. You could also help transport the injured to a nearby hospital. 

5. Provide emergency care. Provide first aid to the injured if you are trained in any first aid practices.

6. Stay alert. As you approach the accident scene, stay calm and concentrate on driving ahead. Do not be distracted by the scenes or else you may end up causing other incidents.

7. Stay at a safe distance. You may want t keep your distance if you think it’s not safe to stay at or near the accident scene. Stay a distance away and call for help.

How can you assess the situation and keep yourself out of harm’s way?

Assessing the scene and keeping yourself safe is of course the priority as you approach the accident scene. Below are some of the tips.

1. Size of the scene. You want to take extra precautions if the size of the scene is big and you cannot offer support on your own. 

2. Assess possible injuries. You should prioritize attending to people first. Call 911 if you think there is a need.

3. Assess the scene from a distance. this will allow you to plan very well what your next action is while keeping yourself safer.

car accident, car crash, car collision

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4. You must think about all the resources you need to render the help.

5. Ensure you park at the right distance from the scene of an accident. I already suggested 100 meters but you can use your judgment and decide on a safer point away from the scene. 

6. Use your gut feeling and do what you think could help save the lives of the casualties.

What should you do if anyone has been injured in the accident?

Most car accidents result in both property damage and bodily injuries. You should call 911 or send for emergency services if you think some people are injured in the accident. 

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As I already said, your safety, and the safety of your passengers, and any others involved in a crash should be your priority. Use your judgment to stop and prevent further harm.

What information should you collect at the scene of the accident?

You may have not been involved in the accident but still, you may find yourself giving eyewitness statements and speaking to the parties involved. 

totaled car, car wreck, car accident, hit and run accident

Once you arrived at the scene of an accident, you should endeavor to do the following:

1. Note the time, location, and date of the accident. You do not want to find yourself giving conflicting information once you are called up as an eyewitness. 

2. Note the name, address, phone number, and license number of any other drivers involved.

3. If possible take note of the insurance information for all drivers involved in the crash.

4. Get the contact information of all eyewitnesses.

5. Take photos of the accident scene. make sure injuries and car damages are well captured.

6. Take note of the car features. You must record features like model, make, and direction of travel for all the cars involved in the accident. 

7. Time of the accident, location, and state of weather conditions.

8. Record the names and badges of all the officers that responded to the auto accident scene.

9. Finally, as a responsible person, record any information you think may help in the investigation process.

What should you avoid saying or doing at the scene of the accident?

“At any the scene of an accident, you are advised to never say things that could harm your case or the safety of others”, says Taylor Dudley, a personal injury lawyer from Georgia.

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According to Taylor Dudley, below are some of the things you should never say or do at the scene of an accident whether you are involved in the incident, or you are an eyewitness or a passenger.

  • Never apologize
  • Never say the accident was your fault
  • Never give an unofficial statement
  • do not leave the scene of an accident
  • Do stare at the accident scene as you continue to drive to the safe point.
  • Do not approach the scene if you think its too dangerous for your safety and finally,
  • Avoid giving medical help if you are not trained in providing first aid.


Auto accidents happen daily and at any time of the day. According to data, more than 7 million auto crashes occur yearly in the USA. 

Finally, When approaching an accident scene, prioritize safety by assessing the situation, checking for injuries, and maintaining a safe distance. Park at least 100 feet away, activate hazard lights, and stay alert while avoiding distractions. 

If the scene is too dangerous, call emergency services for assistance. Remember to ensure the safety of all involved.