hit and run accident lawyer

Hit and run lawyer in goose creek; Hit and run South Carolina Attorney.

Hit and run lawyer in goose creek, South Carolina Attorney

A hit and run lawyer is a legal office that defends victims of hit and run accidents. If you are the person who suffered losses or injuries in a hit-and-run accident, hiring a lawyer will increase your chances of getting fairly compensated.

But who are the best lawyers that have the best experience in handling leaving the scene of accident cases? If you are in goose creek, which law firms offer the best customer care services? 

hit and run lawyer, hit and run attorney, auto accident attorney in Dynomoon

If you are looking for a hit and run lawyer in Goose Creek, South Carolina, there are several law firms that specialize in car accidents and personal injury cases. you can contact them for a free consultation. Here are some options;

1. Steinberg Law Firm. This law firm is by far the best one as far as car accidents are concerned. They offer free accident case evaluations to their customers.

2. Lovely Law Firm. Are you living around Goose Creek and North Charleston? reach out to this law firm for their excellent services. You can contact a lovely law firm at 843-281-7205.

3. George Sink, P.A. Injury Lawyers. Many law firms offer free consultation and case evaluation services with an obligation that you must hire them for your case. 

These lawyers will allow you to speak to them even if you do not want to hire them. Would you like to speak to them, here is their contact number  888-499-4409.

4. In my opinion, Query Sautter & Associates, Steinberg Law Firm, LLC, Taylor Anderson Law Firm, LLC, and Derrick Law Firm are some of the best car accident law firms in Goose Creek.

5. Christmas Injury Lawyers. These lawyers are one of the oldest law firms in Goose Creek. They have over 30 years of experience fighting for car accident victims. Speak to them by calling (843) 919-4723.

6. MDSW. Is your insurance company stonewalling you? reach out to MDSW lawyers for the most experienced settlement negotiations in Goose Creek.

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What are the fees for hiring a car accident lawyer in Goose Creek?

The fees for hiring car accident lawyers in Goose Creek depend on the complications of the case, the outcomes of the accident, and the type of charges pressed against you. 

The hit-and-run accident lawyers largely charge a contingency fee. This implies that you will not pay them unless they won you a verdict or a settlement.

According to my research, these lawyers that charge a contingency-based fee usually walk home with 30-40% of your verdict. 

sell leased car, car accident settlement, hit and run accident settlement

Here is an example. Assume your hit and run accident lawyer in Goose Creek won you $100,000 in the settlement, the lawyer will walk away with between $30,000 – $40,000 as their fees.

Yes, there are other ways car accident lawyers in South Carolina charge their customers. For instance, I have a friend in South Carolina who was paying $250 hourly to his lawyer for his hit-and-run case.

What information should I bring to a consultation with a car accident lawyer?

Every car accident lawyer in South Carolina has his/her different ways of handling car accidents and other personal injury cases. But, do not come before the legal officer empty-handed!

There are some of the documents and information you must prepare or look for in advance before meeting up with a South Carolina personal injury lawyer.

Here are some key pieces of information to bring to your consultation:

1. Accident information. You must come with information like the date of the accident, location, time, description of the event, and any car accident police reports.

2. Personal Information: This includes information like Your full name, contact information, and address, Driver’s license and insurance information and Contact information of any witnesses to the accident.

3. Medical Records. Did you sustain injuries due to the hit-and-run accident? If yes, your lawyer will want information like Documentation of any injuries sustained in the accident, Medical bills and records related to your treatment, and Information about any ongoing medical care or rehabilitation.

4. Insurance Information. For any car accident event, the victim’s most worries are whether he/she will ever be compensated. 

Remember your only source of compensation is from either the at-fault driver or his insurance, and or your own insurance company. 

Therefore endeavor to bring this information to the Hit and run lawyer in goose creek: 

  • Your insurance policy details
  • Correspondence with your insurance company regarding the accident
  • Any settlement offers or denial letters from the insurance company

5. Photos and other pieces of evidence. These include; Any photographs or videos of the accident scene, damage to vehicles, or injuries. 

Your lawyer may also love it if you provided Any other evidence such as dashcam footage or witness statements.

6. Communication Records. Eyewitness statements are vital as far as car accidents and personal injury cases are concerned. Endeavor to look for Any correspondence or communication with the other party involved in the accident.

7. Questions and Concerns. Before meeting up with the lawyer you should prepare a set of questions and any concerns you have. For instance are there additional costs or does the lawyer only charges fees?

What is the average settlement for a hit and run case in Goose Creek?

You need to understand that every car accident is unique, right? The average settlement for a hit and run case in Goose Creek depends on factors like the injuries, car damages, and insurance coverage of the parties involved.

hit and run accident lawyer

If you are a hit-and-run accident victim in Goose Creek or South Carolina at large, the average settlement for your hit-and-run case will be between $25,000 and $50,000. But of course, this will depend on the factors I already explained above.

If you only sustained car damages, expect the average settlement to be a figure that is lower than $25,000. Your settlement will be evaluated based on the damages your car sustained.


Are you looking for the best hit and run attorneys in Goose Creek? Are you worried about the fees?

Well, several car accident lawyers in Goose Creek, South Carolina, offer free consultations and may be able to assist with hit-and-run cases.


1. Lovely Law Firm. justiceislovely. https://www.justiceislovely.com/south-carolina/north-charleston-goose-creek/car-accident-lawyer/

2. Goose Creek Car Accident Lawyer. steinberglawfirm. https://www.steinberglawfirm.com/locations/goose-creek/car-accident-lawyer/

3. What to Do After a Hit and Run. statefarm. https://www.statefarm.com/simple-insights/auto-and-vehicles/what-to-do-after-a-hit-and-run